Event Assistant

An Event Assistant is an entry-level position, they typically plan, organise & deliver events.

The role would usually provide support to a number of Event Planners or Project Managers by carrying out a diverse range of tasks necessary to plan, organise and deliver an event: for example, searching for the right location and venue for the event; working with the design team on the look and feel of the event; or organising logistics like transportation and catering.

Typical Job Roles:
  • Event Co-Ordinator
  • Event Manager
  • Event Planner
  • Events Team Member
  • Event Program Manager
  • Events Administrator
  • Commercial Event Operator


15 months
What you need to apply
  • Right to work in the UK
  • Lived in the UK for the past 3 years
  • A grade of 4/C GCSE (or equivalent) in Maths and English
  • Not previously studied the course content at the same or higher level
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Career Progression

Marketing Executive
Level 4
Marketing Manager
Level 6

After completing your Level 4, you will be a working professional. To further develop you can do another apprenticeship to gain new knowledge and skills in the industry. 

Career Progression

After completing your Level 3, you will be a working professional. To further develop you can do another apprenticeship to gain new knowledge and skills in the industry. 

Marketing Executive
Level 4
Marketing Manager
Level 6

Course Overview

The Apprenticeship


There are 10 seminars within the 12 months of this training programme:

Training/Apprenticeship overview

An introduction to the training or apprenticeship program.

Understand your Business and Role

What is the role in the wider sector and how does they fit into their company.

Event Rules and Regulations

Laws and legislation including Health & Safety, GDPR etc.

Why Clients hold events, their Expectations & Feedback

How to evaluate different types of events and how to use client feedback.

Being Flexible and Professional in the Events Sector

Learn about different types of visual content.

Event Logistics

What logistics are necessary and how do they impact an event.

Venues & Onsite Teams

How and why is a venue chosen for an event and the onsite team responsibilty.

Managing a Budget

How to manage an event budget and apply commercial awareness.

The Lifecycle of an Event

The lifecycle of an event from research and planning to delivery and evaluation.

Environmental & Sustainability

The importance of sustainability and how to make changes to work activities.


Throughout their apprenticeship a learner will do up to 10 projects that will make up part of their portfolio, below are three examples of the types of project they will do.

Project 1 – Event Logistics: What logistics are necessary and how do they impact an event.

Project 2 – Lifycycle of an event: The lifecycle of an event from research and planning to delivery and evaluation

Project 3 – Environmental and sustainability: The importance of sustainability in the events sector, and how to make changes to work activities


Months 1-3
  • Preparing for your apprenticeship
  • Preparing for your Employer
  • Off-the-Job Training
  • Portfolio
Months 4-9
  • Off-the-Job Training
  • Portfolio
  • Projects
  • Seminars
Months 8-11
  • Off-the-Job Training
  • Portfolio
  • Projects
  • Mock
Months 12-15
  • Off-the-Job Training
  • End Point Assessment

End point Assessment

The end-point assessment is synoptic and takes place at the end of the apprentice’s learning and development. The requirement is that the end-point assessment is completed within 3 months from the start of the end-point assessment period. EPA is in one day

The Events Assistant End Point Assessment (EPA) involves the following:

  • Submission of Final Project report and Portfolio of evidence
  • Presentation of Final Project and Professional Discussion
Fast Track
your success
Earn a salary
Develop understandings from experts
Learn in real world scenario’s
Gain a Recognised Certificate

Start your career today

If you’re ready to go further, become an apprentice.


Apprentices learn the skills they need on the job with the guidance of a development coach who is an expert in the industry. You’ll finish your apprenticeship with a recognised qualification, valuable industry experience, money, and substantial opportunities for promotion.

Throughout this qualification, there are seminars which the apprentice has to attend. These are either at the centre or delivered online via a webinar.

Apprentices learn the skills they need on the job with the guidance of a development coach who is an expert from industry. You’ll finish your apprenticeship with a recognised qualification, valuable industry experience, money, and substantial opportunities for promotion.

  • Centre based/Online learning
  • Work based training
  • One to one


Current Opportunities

A career in Marketing EXPLAINED
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