Creative Alliance is a Specialist Kickstart Gateway for Creative, Digital & Marketing Roles

With some of the available roles including; Digital Marketing Assistant, Events Assistant, Animation Studio Assistant, Assistant Producer, Venue Technician Assistant, Copywriter Assistant, Digital Content  Assistant, Design Assistant, and Web Development Assistant.

ds4b kickstart

Join our Gateway and access the grants that will enable you to employ an unemployed young person and have their wages paid for you through this scheme.

We will also work with you to devise and deliver a training solution that will add value to your business AND make sure the young person is more employable at the end of the six months.

To join our next cohort email with the following information:

  • Company Name as listed on Companies House / Charities Commission
  • Company Number as listed on Companies House / Charities Commission
  • Postal Address including Postcode
  • Job Role(s) and number(s) you wish to recruit Kickstart Placements to.

We’ll add your details to the submission and send you a very short application and job description template.

Kickstart is a Government initiative through the Department for Work & Pensions.

An employer can recruit a young person (up to the age of 25) on Universal Credit to a job and DWP will pay the salary + on-costs at National Minimum Wage for 25 hours / week for 6 months. In addition, each young person comes with a grant of £1500 to pay for additional employability support and vocational training to ensure that person is more employable after the six months.

As a Gateway, we are providing both employability support and 60 hours of tutor-delivered training from a choice of Digital Skills for Business courses: coding & web design; digital content production; design, and digital marketing. These are all created from our Ofsted graded apprenticeship provision.

The funding for the wages and training comes to you via us. 

We also provide a line of defense from the inevitable paperwork, monitoring, and audit risk that comes with any Government funding.

We’re submitting our next consortium application on Friday 18th June.

Email to be included.