A Graduate can do an Apprenticeship – is it worth it?

Graduate Apprenticeships are available from May 1st.

So, you’ve just spent 3-4 years and a hefty student loan on getting your degree. Your ceremonial gown and mortarboard have been cast off and you’re ready for the big-wild-world of work. From 1 May 2017 one of the options that has become available to graduates is an apprenticeship. Previously unavailable to anyone with a degree, the rules have changed, and now anyone (pretty much) can undertake an apprenticeship qualification.

But as a graduate, is it worth it?

We think yes – and below are a few reasons why.

An Apprenticeship Qualification Doesn’t Mean an ‘Apprenticeship’

 Many people have the misconception that modern day apprenticeships are all about tea making, photocopying and licking the postage stamps. An apprenticeship is actually this:

  • A Job – You will be based in a company, you will be paid, you will have responsibilities, career opportunities and a contract (by law all apprenticeships have a contract)
  • A Training Course – You learn at work, you attend coaching and mentoring sessions, take part in seminars and hand in assignments. You develop your knowledge and put it into practice straight away.
  • An Experience – You gain experience, you get to be creative, you build your CV, you start your career journey.

But remember you cannot do an apprenticeship related to your degree qualification. So if you have a graphic design degree you cannot do a graphic design related apprenticeship. This is about training up people in new skills. So if you have an English degree and fancy working in the exciting world of digital marketing – get applying now!

Experience, Experience, Experience

 Creative Alliance specialises in creative, digital and marketing apprenticeships. We dedicate our time being experts in apprenticeships but we are also experts in our knowledge of the creative, digital and marketing industry. Every day we engage, enquire and speak to creative, digital and marketing companies. We know how much they value experience. Your degree is great but experience is essential. We have an 85% success rate for employers taking on the apprentice into employment after their apprenticeship finishes. Get your foot in the door and apply now.

You Do Get Paid and You Get Trained in Work Skills

 The new elements of the apprenticeship qualification demand that 20% of the time at your apprenticeship is off-the-job training. This means that as well as the learning that you will do at work you will also be guided by your training provider (Creative Alliance is a training provider) on work based knowledge, skills and mentoring. And through all of this you get paid.

So, if you are a graduate and you are looking for a job in the creative, digital and marketing sector then an apprenticeship is a great place to start.

Just remember that the apprenticeship you apply must not be related to your degree.