
Keeping Time – Work & Life Balance



Starting a career through an apprenticeship or any other career route, can be hard to deal with, especially with all the expectations that you feel you need to fulfil. One of the main points of pressure that most starting professionals have difficulty with is keeping up with time management and productivity. With a, sometimes, ever-expanding to-do list and urgent projects, the working hours fly by quickly, and stress builds up making our day to day feel like a burden. 

Luckily, time management and productivity are topics that have been discussed and explored by many experts of multiple fields, and there are methods that we can use to have a better relationship with our professional life. In this blog, we would like to present a podcast series all about How to Keep Time. 

What is How to Keep Time?

‘How to…’ is a podcast series that explores specific topics on each season. Season 1 discusses how to build a happy life, season 2 is about making new beginnings, and so on. All amazing topics that we invite you to listen and learn from, but on this instance, we are focusing on their latest season, ‘How to keep time’. 

Divided into 6 episodes, this is the value we have found on each episode: 

Ep. 1

How to Waste Time

The hosts explore the usual relationship we have with productivity and the conditioning that makes us feel that being productive makes us a better person. 


How to Look Busy

How many times have we felt too busy to do anything else? Were we actually busy or using business as an excuse? Being busy has become a status symbol of importance in work, or life. Having a healthier relationship with time can open space for the meaningful tasks in our lives. 

apprentice working in their place of work


How to Leave Work Time at Work

Work/life balance is a topic that is common to hear about. But, with how mobile our devices have become taking work with us anywhere has become a habit and having clearer boundaries can help us improve how we manage our daily tasks with the time we have. 

a line of emerging talent looking to break into the industry on an apprenticeship


How to Rest

Relating to the first episode, how we use time to rest is an important topic. What activities do you use to rest that have an impact on your energy and happiness levels? Thinking about how to use your time to rest in a meaningful way can have an incredible impact on your quality of life. 


Time Tips from the Universe

Time is defined by the universe we live in, and having a better understanding of how it works can both relieve and improve our relationship with the time we have. 


Can We Keep Time?

The conclusion episode for the season is a conversation of all the different methods we use to track and document how we use our time. There are benefits and limitations to how we can keep track of our time and understanding them can support our mental wellbeing. 

Professional Resources

Having a successful career in the creative industry requires more than just the skills and knowledge to perform in your role. We are looking into resources to support the wellbeing of our learners and that can be valuable for the companies they work at too. Time management is just one of the concerns that we have recurringly seen during the years we have been supporting business and new talent. 

We hope that you find this useful and get in touch if you would like to learn more about professional resources or apprenticeships as a career path. 

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