Life of an Apprentice: Digital Marketer


Hearing from our apprentices means we get an understanding of what they think of us and our employers.

This year we are looking into the ‘Life of an Apprentice’; we want to look at all elements of the working life of an apprentice. What they get out of it, how the transition for education into work has affected them, how they feel they have benefited the business and about their future. The first in a series of articles is an interview with Jakub Korupczynski.

Jakub works in the marketing department for Queen Alexander College for the blind (QAC)  and during his time there, completed a Level 3 apprenticeship in Digital Marketing. Following his success, he was offered a full time contract of employment. He decided to continue to train with Creative Alliance and transition to a Level 4 Digital Apprenticeship.

  • What’s your job title at the company?

My title at Queen Alexandra College is ‘Digital Marketing Apprentice’

  • What does your role in the company involve on a day to day basis?

Different things fill my day. I overlook all of the Social Media platforms for the college and all of the college enterprises, update our website and also deal with a range of other marketing and administration tasks.

  • What have you learnt? (thinking about knowledge, skills and behaviours)

 Throughout my programme I’ve really developed my knowledge of Digital Marketing practices of course but I think more importantly I’ve learnt how to adapt to work life – this Apprenticeship was my first introduction into the world of work! – I’ve acquired a knowledge of working practices, particularly as I’m working in a specialised environment.

  • What can you do now that you couldn’t before? (think about how you’ve changed: confidence, understanding world of work etc.)

Overall the biggest thing I’ve gained from my Apprenticeship is confidence. My ability to take my own initiative has really developed, and this hasn’t just stopped at the workplace but in my personal life too.

In terms of technical knowledge, I am happy to say that I’ve become competent in Digital Marketing practices, learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop and gained an understanding of analytics.

  • What have you enjoyed the most?

The thing I’ve enjoyed most is learning how to balance my day-to-day job and everything which that entails along with my Apprenticeship study and the work load that comes with. Things are really varied and I’ve enjoyed learning whilst being in a professional working space.

  • What have you found the most challenging?

Really the most challenging thing about my Apprenticeship was just getting used to having a full time job. As this has been my first job I suppose it’s all the normal lessons people have to learn to keep on top of things and be successful. I’ve learnt how to spot challenges and decide on the best way to overcome them.  

  • Why did you choose an apprenticeship?

I actually went to university for 6 months but found that it really didn’t fit with my particular style of learning. I saw an Apprenticeship as a valid alternative to the traditional education system. Being able to get stuck in to a job and to also gain a qualification is great.

  • How did you find out about this apprenticeship?

I found this particular role being advertised on the Government Website ( and applied directly on there.

  • How is this apprenticeship helping you prepare for your future?

 Working at Queen Alexandra College and completing this Apprenticeship has given me so much specialised knowledge and really developed my skills. I actually completed a Level 3 Apprenticeship originally and then decided to continue my training and step up to a Level 4 – which I am due to finish in February. I’m really pleased that Queen Alexandra College have offered me a full-time position to begin straight after my Apprenticeship, and the contract I’ve signed has me in post for 2 years!

  • How does Creative Alliance support your apprenticeship?

Having a dedicated Assessor on your side and offering advice & guidance is fantastic. I’ve felt supported all the way through the process. I’ve been particularly happy to be given the opportunity to come along to Digital Marketing Seminars at CA where I’ve learnt loads.

  • What would you say to someone considering doing an apprenticeship?

In the current climate I’d say that although Graduates may have the qualifications on their side, they really haven’t got that hands on experience in the industry. I really believe that Apprentices have an advantage on the career ladder as they are still gaining qualifications but they’ve also got 13+ months of relevant experience!