Masterclasses, Professionals and awesome contacts; what makes us Digital training specialists

What makes us Digital, Creative and Marketing specialists.

Yep: bold claim but good reasons for saying so:


It’s all we offer.

Well we do some business administration as well but everything else is some form of a Creative, Digital or Marketing apprenticeship. And we do everything – from working with a small pottery studio with a community arts apprentice to an international advertising agency with two digital marketing apprentices. This means that as training specialists we do know a lot about the sector.

Our delivery team have the right experience.

Our team supporting the training & assessment of apprentices all started in the field in which we train. In our team we have TV producers, script writers, stage managers, marketing consultants, advertising producers who have worked with clients such as the RSC, McCann, BBC, ITV, ASDA, Northern Rail and more. Most of the Development Coaches still work in the industry. Its demanded of them to make sure they stay professionally viable.  This means our apprentices are trained by experts.

We have awesome contacts.

We have been working with some of our marketing agencies, theatres, marketing departments, museums and arts centres for years. So we’ve made some great contacts and they often come along and work with our apprentices.

We even stream them over the interweb like the digital gurus we are:

See Chris Green from Elonex

Or Fran Nolan from SuperDream

And this year we are looking at even more professional masterclasses for our learners to get that extra bit of value, experience and knowledge from their apprenticeship.

It means they have a development coach that has experience in the field and then they meet and learn from the real deals currently working in the field. It cannot get much better than that really.

We do relevant events

We don’t just do standard careers events. We are passionate about real talent development in the creative and digital industries. We want to push the industry to take control, responsibility and action for properly training their workforce. So we put on events that do just that and connect industry and educators.

For instance, on July 3rd we have our Widening the Gate event that is looking at what we can all do to increase diversity and inclusion in the creative industries workplace.

Our values push us to achieve all the above – its not about serving our customers, its about serving the industry. Not just the creative industry all elements of industry where creativity, digital and marketing are needed. We want to see these elements of business grow and become successful. That’s what are customers need. Not a gimmick but actual growth and we believe genuine talent development will achieve that.


If you are interested to find out more about apprenticeships, click here