Software developers needed for project


We are looking for ‘Skill Builders’. Software or Web Developer companies in the Birmingham and surrounding areas, who are concerned about the future of their industry, company and career.

All companies are built on the skills and talents of their employers. Understanding trends, technology, systems, processes and the pure possibility of the above. At the moment, we have very robust new apprenticeship standards that allow employers to develop people into their industry and we do this successfully with Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Web Design, Film Makers, Theatre Technicians and Content Producers.

On the back of that success we are looking to deliver a Software Developer Apprenticeship…

What we want from you:

Creative Alliance are looking for employers in the software and web developing industry. They will help create the best apprenticeship training programme. We have a great team of trainers with a great understanding of software development. But we feel we want that added edge.

“Help us create the training that is going to build the right skills for your industry.”

We need Skill Builders; employers who want to grow, who want to build the best talent, who want to be a part of that journey and don’t mind shouting about it.

And trust us we will shout about it!

What you will have to do:

  • Attend 4 meetings at around 2 hours long to assess, suggest and discuss our training plans.
  • Attend a launch party event and speak to the press about their involvement.
  • To look at, during this process, hiring an apprentice to show their commitment to growing their company right.

How we help?

  • We have extensive knowledge in funding for employers and apprenticeships. This will make sure you get the right support for your apprentice.
  • We will do all the work for the event and ensure it gets the right publicity for you and your company. This includes press coverage, opportunities to speak, attendance of local government and drinks of course!

Who we are?

Creative Alliance is a social enterprise that specialise in Creative, Digital and Marketing apprenticeships. We work with employers from all over the UK helping them develop apprenticeship and work-based training programmes.

We have delivered projects across Europe and for the EU. Creating work based learning platforms, informing government of how to create work-based learning platforms. We are based at the Custard Factory in the creative quarter, Digbeth, Birmingham.

If you want to find out more – Please Contact Us here

Download our full PDF version: Skill Builders – Software Developer