Thinking of taking on a Creative, Digital and Marketing Apprentice
A New FREE on-line digital Apprentice Employer Pack is now available.
Produced by The Mighty Creatives it features loads of useful information & advice from employers who have been there and sorted it. It’s straightforward & easy to use. Click HERE to get the link to it.
Developed by The Mighty Creatives working with Creative Alliance and supported by Arts Council England
This FREE pack has been developed to help employers of businesses operating in the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) to better understand apprenticeships.
A new resource specifically tailored to support creative and cultural organisations exploring recruitment of an apprentice has been created. It takes employers through the steps, providing an insight into the benefits and the support available when recruiting the next generation of talent. Produced by The Mighty Creatives, in conjunction with Arts Council England, this handbook provides employers of all sizes a simple, easy-to-follow introduction into the world of apprenticeship recruitment.
It provides employers who are interested in taking on a young apprentice in an entry-level role with information about:
- The distinct benefits of recruiting an apprentice to your organisation
- The roles that an apprentice, an employer and a College or Independent Training Provider, such as Creative Alliance, play in the development and delivery of an apprenticeship
- The different types of apprenticeship delivery that can take place to make sure there is one that best fits your organisation
- The financial models and possible support for you as an employer, including information about the newly introduced Apprenticeship Levy
You will also find various tools that can help you navigate the steps in recruiting, supporting and developing your apprentice. There are short videos from employers that have taken on apprentices in the creative and cultural industries across different sector areas. These real-life examples of how apprenticeships can benefit small and medium-sized employers can provide further insight into how they may work for you and your business.
Download your copy of the pack here and start your apprentice recruitment journey.
If you would like to know more about how Creative Alliance can help you find the right candidate, including supporting you in developing a quality job description that will help attract the best young people in your area, then contact us on (0121) 7530049 and we will be happy to tell you more about how we can support you. We offer a wide range of apprenticeships that can help you take full advantage of the opportunity that taking on an apprentice provides.
Contact us Here