How employers, training providers and you, make an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is where you get a role in a company and you are also on a government-funded course. This apprenticeship course can be in many different sectors and is delivered by a training provider. Most apprenticeship courses involve classroom-based teaching, project work based on the work you do and 1-2-1 teaching with a development coach. These are all managed and delivered by your training provider.
It feels complicated but it’s not, there are three parties to an apprenticeship, the learner, the employer and the training provider.
The Employer provides the role and helps support the learner into the position and makes sure they understand the role. The employer enlists a training provider to deliver the training of the apprenticeship. The learner has to do their job for the employer and complete their apprenticeship training for the training provider. Often training providers will recruit for the employer so you may deal with your provider before your apprenticeship starts.